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Carl Bingham

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Everyone has goals. We may have relationship goals, skill goals, travel goals, money goals, success goals, and even education goals. We all want to achieve something at some level. The difference between wanting and accomplishing your objective is having S.M.A.R.T goals. SPECIFIC. MEASURABLE. ACHIEVABLE. REALISTIC. TIMELY. These 5 components transform WANT to ACCOMPLISHED.

Achieving Your Goal

We set our goals to be achieved. We expect to succeed. We make plans. We anticipate the most likely challenges and adapt to the unexpected ones. We leap in to action with enthusiasm focused on the prize. We power through with the momentum from our launch.But suddenly…..our speed begins to fall off. The weight of the mission seems to become heavier. We struggle to maintain as much as to move forward. What is HAPPENING?